Wednesday, January 12, 2011


. . ive got nothing to say. .
. . just feels like want to cry and wipe this feeling like im wiping my tearss. .
. . this is so hard. .
. . why does it have to be hard. .
. . i just dont get it. .
. . cant u try a little bit harder like i did. .
. . all i want is for u to notice my existence. .
. . notice that i am here for u no matter what. .
. . im not asking for much, just that whenever u feel sad or anything, just tell me, or at least tell me to wait for it, so that i'll know whats going on. .
. . when i see that u r having a bad day, i want u to share it with me. .
. . i want to know whats on ur mind, whats in ur heart. .
. . is it that hard for u to tell me?. .
. . beb, im sorry if i am a trouble for u, or if im such a busybody about u, i did all that just because u r special to me. .
. . "i am mean, when ur around". .
. . remember that?. .
. ."i am concern, when ur around". .
your truly,

1 comment:

  1. i'm really sorry.
    u ar not a trouble for me..
    u ar not a busybody for me..
    u ar my friend..
    i'm sorry..
    i'm not perfect..
    i make mistakes and i am not aware bout ur feeling....
    again and again..
    i'm sorry.
